

In honor of the approaching Halloween season (and trying to show my brother cost efficient and easy ways to draw and airbrush). Here's a rendering of Pennywise - who is still as creepy in my 30's as in my childhood.

Beyonce the Wondercat :)

Best. Pet. Ever.



This is my first illustration made in Adobe Ideas. Not quite instant perfection - but infinite possibilities for improvement and cool items.

Laughing Heart

I'm semi-obsessed with this poem at the moment and the whole "inspiring words/epic background" phase that's going down on Pinterest.  So here are my entries into the fascinating world of memes.
Why 3 of these?
Because...as Lil would say.
I f*n CAN!


Art Show Doodles

I'm attempting to sell some of my pieces at a small art show in November. Here's a mermaid (whose apparently kind of a wino) that I'm working on. I'm thinking she's bummed out from working too many festivals.


"Don't call it a comeback..

I been here for YEARS.."

No seriously I have.

If you'll look north you'll see my new blog header.  I'm working on a fine art masterpiece to post up there, but until it's done please enjoy the latest in my epicCAT series. Nothing better reflects the essence of Lavaponyland than my extreme rock climbing cat.  Everything Bey(once') does is extreme.


2011 Peace Out.

Beyonce Chillin.
Writing these blogs around NYE always feels so cliche, especially when you're out trying to have a good time and get into mischeif..who has the time to update a blog??

As it turns out creativity isn't as overrated as I thought. Powersuits, agencies, and downtown living are however. (Much to my suprise. ) College Leslie smiles..feels a little shocked but then concedes she'd rather wear jeans or go running anyways.  10 Year Old Leslie returns to drawing her X-Men and smiles because it turns out happiness is more important than money. 

I'm back doing a job that I really love..with time for the types of after work endeavors that I enjoyed doing in the first place.

I have plenty to show for 2011, but I'll post certain pieces and tell the story some other time when I am feeling nostalgic.

For now - look for some old projects made new again..


Unicorns..in their natural habitat. 
And enjoy some pictures of my favorite things from 2011.

March 2011_Project Ovation!