I have to write this story backwards. If this were a movie - it’d begin with the celebration, the leap, and you’d all be whooshed back to the second where I felt like a total piece of poo and had an attitude to reflect it. So let’s begin with the end - shall we?
I just recently (lunchtime TODAY) put in my two weeks notice with a company I have been with for 7 years. I broke out into hand tremors twice this morning and had to consult some former colleagues, now friends that know what it is like to do this at this place. I KNOW I am making the right decision, but it doesn’t make it any less hard. The job market is a barren wilderness and we are all like animals trying to drink from the same waterhole, and have the scratch marks to prove it; which makes leaving a comfortable place all the more daunting, but necessary-none the less. To quote her royal Madgeness “I’m not afraid of what I’ll face, but I’m afraid to stay.” Jump by Madonna for you music nerds.
And now the entire contents of my stomach and a few vocal tremors later (no tears!): I am a fresh short timer whose setting sail on stranger tides the 27th officially. For the record, there was not a mushroom cloud explosion, or an escort out the front door - Only; a well wish, a pre-goodbye, a thank you, and some attempts to brace for life sans “me”. I’m hoping for a pot-luck or a celebratory happy hour, if it happens it happens if not..oh well. Thanks for the memories lux lunch.
I would like to say to my colleagues mainly (friends, family, anyone) who give a poo: I truly believe I’m moving onto a better opportunity, a better chance to shine in my own field and a better chance for me to do the things I need to do to become more self sufficient and adult. TRUST that I wouldn’t make any rash, rush, or hasty decisions - but I HAD to jump in the pool to make a splash.
Not to sound cliche’, I will always value the experience, the things I’ve learned, but mainly the people I was fortunate enough to encounter on this long strange journey. Happily ready to think of you all as FRIENDS..........
Many regards and hugs to you all. :)
Guest Artist....My brother :)
This week's entry comes to us from Arizona. It's of ...our MOM! :)
I've also commissioned from him a "me".
No Small Personalities
For Scott - who knows his employees have discriminating tastes when it comes to dating. Part of my unofficial discerning t-shirt collection.
Life without a wingman...
For Jen H. - who realizes a good wingman is hard to find, especially when that wingman is co-piloting two planes.
Sha Sha
This is a small flyer I pulled out of my archives ( that should have been posted in March!). At any rate, I loved the idea of a torn paper flyer/ad for a "paper" artist.
Virginia International Tattoo Logo
This logo took 3 years, over 50 different variations, and at least 100 "move over a squoshes". I am extremely pleased with/proud of it. It all began with two bagpipers and a dream. It has also become the gold standard in Leslie Logo Building endurance tests.
New Tattoo Ideas
This is my take on the VIT pipers. Even though they don't really wear platform boots and have mohawks, a girl can dream. ;)
And the winner is....
This was the final selection for this years Town Point Virginia Wine Festival. I loved working on the designs for this nearly as much as I love attending.
Winefest and Me
Long before I ever attended a Town Point Wine Festival, I had an appreciation for the mermaid posters that accompanied the festival for years. I always wanted my crack at rendering the girls, and recently got the chance - but FE wanted to go a new direction instead using different interpretations of wine itself. These were my first drafts - that didn't make the cut (at least this year).
These were a rare opportunity for me to develop illustration specifically meant for repetitive graphic design use.
True Confessions: I obviously worked on materials for this in April/May. That being said, I was proud of this piece and didn't get to showcase it like I wanted at that time. Lavaponyland is playing catch-up these days. So hang in there loyal readers, more graphics goodness on the way.
Books in the Park/Acoustic Festival
I meant to post these before the event so they could function as FYI as well as blog portfolio pieces.
Curses Netflix distracting me from my blog duties.
* These were rack cards resized for blog viewing.
This little dog means the world to my Aunt Lou and Uncle Ron, unbeknownst to them I'm working on this piece for my mom to give them for Christmas. I'm keeping this as exhibit a. that my mom does indeed like dogs, especially Ian.
*UPDATE* Gift went over smashingly well. I may have to start on some more good will endeavors and drop offs. Christmas Prints!
*UPDATE* Gift went over smashingly well. I may have to start on some more good will endeavors and drop offs. Christmas Prints!
Bayou Boogaloo...... Revisited
I know I had already posted something for the Boogaloo a few months ago, but I recently got some accolades for it. So I thought I would repost the outside panels. The theme for the piece design wise was nothing fancy in terms of the folds, but spicy in terms of colors and layout.
Greg's Uncanny B-day Illustration
My favorite X-man has always been the cajun. :)
For Greg -
who appreciates comics despite gaps in the "continuum."
For Greg -
who appreciates comics despite gaps in the "continuum."
Meg D and the Cupcakes
Bayou Boogaloo
If you're in the 757 this weekend, come check out the Bayou Boogaloo. I've never made it to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but I've heard this maybe the closest thing in this area.
It doesn't hurt that I'm a fan of True Blood, Beads, and Crabcakes. Or that I designed this year's site map.
It doesn't hurt that I'm a fan of True Blood, Beads, and Crabcakes. Or that I designed this year's site map.
It's getting hairy this summer..
I spent around 2 weeks wrapping up a pretty big freelance project. I would showcase said project, but this client is sorta coveted by me and I’m taking my time to see how successful the final prints turn out. So this morning I rewarded myself with a few hours on my two favorite blogs OMG POSTERS and GOMEDIAZINE. After lengthy design projects, I find I’m fairly useless for 2 or 3 days post design binge and taking in all the “creative” I can find helps restore balance to the force.
Speaking of the force, here’s an illo I did of Chewbacca to get someone’s attention a few weeks ago. I don’t think it worked, but I find him cute and blogworthy. Imagine how hot Chewbacca would get at Virginia Beach? And you thought you were having a bad hair day....
Drums at the Beach 2010
Promises. Promises.
It shouldn't be so hard to update a blog should it? The good news is I'm designing. The bad news is I'm not posting.
What is up with that?
This years "Drums at the Beach" poster didn't make it to print, but it did make it to the web and as a a poster you can download if you checkout the page on the VAF website.
I'm quite proud of it. So check it.
Email me if you like it - Call me if you want to convince me iphone is better than droid. :)
It shouldn't be so hard to update a blog should it? The good news is I'm designing. The bad news is I'm not posting.
What is up with that?
This years "Drums at the Beach" poster didn't make it to print, but it did make it to the web and as a a poster you can download if you checkout the page on the VAF website.
I'm quite proud of it. So check it.
Email me if you like it - Call me if you want to convince me iphone is better than droid. :)
Technical issues...
I'm still working out the kinks on blogger in draft. Apparently it doesn't hold it's formatting in all browsers. Sloppy tabbing and useless gaps (padding as its called in web land) doesn't sit entirely well with me. Quite simply - I want the art to fill the space. What's the use in having a billboard on the interstate with text set in 10pt copy? Meh.
Virginia International Tattoo Flags
I recently completed the logo for the Virginia International Tattoo. It's been an ongoing project and I didn't want to post/publish anything to give it away before the Virginia Arts Festival did. Given that these are up in front of Scope - it's officially official now.
That's "my" creation on the bottom of the red flags. And I am like a proud momma (or surrogate if I carried it for 3 years and gave it up.) LOL
Same place new "face"
You may have noticed the new banner (or not, I won't be terribly offended). Leslie is busy working on design projects, but Lavapony is making some changes.
At the moment I was about to pack it up and head over to Wordpress, it seems blogger has given me some new layout toys to play with. So stay tuned for the new and improved Lavaponyland in 3-D Just kidding!:) Or not..I'm sure there's some juicy gossip to read on Perez.
At the moment I was about to pack it up and head over to Wordpress, it seems blogger has given me some new layout toys to play with. So stay tuned for the new and improved Lavaponyland in 3-D Just kidding!:) Or not..I'm sure there's some juicy gossip to read on Perez.
My godson brought home his hand scribbled Abe Lincoln drawing and asked me to draw one for him (art for art only seems fair). This particular president has a special significance to me in particular due to some select coincidences in grade school.*
*Great for inside jokes, but not so good as a general blog posts.
Typography Experiments

I was recently (accidentally) involved in a pfolio review at my old school (I can't bring myself to say alma mater..without visualizing a Pterodactyl flying past). I think I learned more from the students than they learned from me. One thing being that text and type can be fun. With deadlines looming and the only time for things being due as NOW in the real world (of in-house graphic design) - I had forgotten that text can be art - and if the project is MINE I can type whatever I want.
Caricatures for JC
LJ's Corner
Festival of the Dancing Sturgeons
Betty White is on fire these days. So I made a commemorative Rose Nylund print. Why? Because I am random and need a break from maps and xcel sheets. (boooo!)
Harborfest Attempts
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